Linggo, Hunyo 26, 2016

Choosing the Right Eyeglasses Frame

Do you remember wearing your grandmother or mother eyeglass because you want to be like them? Or it is just cool. As getting little order, the one you want to wear on your childhood is what you need the most now.

Your eyes started to become blurred and an eyeglass is the saviour.  At first, it is cool and became a big hassle. One way to lessen the hassle is to wear contacts which come which have different colors and designs.

In the modern days, eyeglasses became accessories. Wearing them would not describe you as one of the NERDS instead it gives coolness and make you fashionable. What you need to do is to find the right one. There are lots of eyeglasses frame available on the market which comes with different colors, shapes, sizes and styles that suit to change the mood and looks, but you can’t have them all, having one will be enough as long you find the right one that is really fit to you.

On finding an eyeglasses frame, following these four factors can help to get the right one.
  1. Contrast – Your eyeglasses must be contrasted to the shape of your face. For example, if you have a round face, you should choose angular frames.
  2. Proportion – Dealing with optical eyeglasses is different when choosing sunglasses, which intends to be larger and bolder that can cover the entire eye side and it is not good on an optical frame.
  3. Color – When talking about color and how to match them, this sounds hard. You don’t need to fit the glass color to the clothes you wear every day. You will need only one that will fit in everything. How? Your hair is the key. Depend your frame contrast to the hair color and it will stand out. If you only want black, go for it. Black is always good and fits to anyone.
  4. Face Shape – This is related to the first item. This part is a little harder. Our faces have 4 shape types: oval, round, heart and square. What shape do you think your face belongs?  If you have a confident about this section, your project will it right. Still confused? Know more at frames infographic or from this blog.

Lunes, Marso 28, 2016

5 Bad Habits of Contact Lens Wearers

Wearing contact lenses ends your problem of choosing and collecting eyeglasses frames for every occasion. You won’t be asking yourself the eye wearer’s mantra: “Where did I place my glasses again?” Unlike eyeglasses, contact lenses won’t get in your way because it becomes a part of you until you need to hit the sack.

Contact lenses may give you the freedom you want but on too long and they may lead to certain eye problems. Below is a list of bad habits contact lens wearers are guilty of.

1. Sleeping with the contacts on
It might be just an hour of nap or it is just eight hours of sleep but did you know that there is a part of your eyes that won’t get a good night’s sleep? It is your cornea – the only pair you have. Your contacts act as a barrier on your eyes and prevent your cornea to “breathe” properly.

2. Not cleaning the lenses’ case
Your contact lens’ case might look clean on the surface but wait ‘til you place it under a microscope. It is probably plastered with microorganisms rinsed out from your contact lenses. Regularly wash your contact lens’ case and dry it thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.

3. Touching your lenses and its case with dirty hands
One of the dirtiest parts of your body is your pair of hands because you use it frequently to touch or hold certain objects. It is an imperative to wash your hands and dry them off thoroughly before touching the lenses or its case.

4. Buying over-the-counter
Contact lens without prescription is like buying guns without a license. It is a risky purchase. You may endanger the health of your eyes to the point of losing your eyesight altogether. Always deal with an optometrist for your eyewear needs. An eye checkup is necessary to prescribe the right contact lenses for you, may it be for cosmetic reasons or for vision correction.

5. Cleaning your lenses with tap water
We are well-aware that water from our faucets is teeming with microorganisms and is sometimes not advisable to drink at all. Never use tap water to clean or rinse your lenses. “Tap water contain an amoeba that has been known to cause Acanthamoeba keratitis, a hard-to-treat eye infection,” says ophthalmologist Keith Walter on Men’s Health. And don’t even think of using your saliva; it is absolutely an unsanitary practice, not to mention, gross. 

As a refresher, here’s a step-by-step guide from JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) on how to clean your contacts. And you probably know these but still “forget” to do:
  •  Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before cleaning your lenses.
  •  Rub and rinse your lenses in contact lens disinfecting solution.
  • Rub and rinse your case with solution after each use.
  • Dry your case with a clean tissue and store it upside down with the caps off after each use.
  •  Soak your lenses overnight in fresh solution.
Lastly, as always, schedule an eye checkup at least once a year to have an accurate and appropriate prescription, the American Academy of Ophthalmology advises.

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